Planetary Atmospheric Scattering

This post summarizes the results I obtained from developing a custom Cg/HLSL shader for use in Unity applications that renders the Earth. The shader implements real-time ray traced, atmospheric scattering from space, modeling a mathematical approximation of the aerial-perspective phenomenon based on the paper described in “GPU Pro 3“, titled “An approximation to the Chapman…

GPU Billboards for Space Environments

I developed a GPU billboard shader that can perform the screen-aligned or viewpoint-aligned calculations in the vertex shader. The shader can render around 16,000 billboards in a single draw call, and it accepts a texture and color, allowing for a wide range of different effects.   For this scene, there are three layers of star…

Unity Game Scripting – Ship Controller

I developed a scripting architecture to control a space fighter and demonstrate it in a Unity game prototype. The custom scripting architecture ties the following Unity systems: Input, Physics, and Particle System to produce the results below:   Here is a video of the scripts in action, in 3rd-person view: